You Are Welcome To Charife Properties Ltd

How We Can Help
What We Do
CHARIFE PROPERTIES is an Innovation Built on Real Estate Experience. Our team is dedicated to delivering a better investing experience, and technology that works for you. We’re committed to making commercial real estate more accessible for individual investors.
Building a sound portfolio starts with thoughtful allocation among major asset classes. With CHARIFEPROPERTIES, you can allocate a meaningful portion of your portfolio toward commercial real estate to complement your public market investments.
At CHARIFE PROPERTIES, we take pride in being a pioneer and a leading real estate investment trust, managing and developing exceptional properties that are integral components of vibrant communities.
We invest and manage sustainable, income-producing retail and commercial properties (including hotels and serviced apartments) globally and tier-one cities in USA and UK.
We adopt eight strategic drivers to grow our business, namely: Asset Empowerment, Asset Management, Asset Acquisition, Syndicated Investment, Equity Investment, Preferred Stock Investment, Micro-property Investment and Pachten Investment Release.

Our Available Investment Opportunities
With our wealth of knowledge in real estate we also lease farming land to farmers at an affordable prices. We also go a long way of providing mechanization to our farmers, leasing agricultural machines to them with a full package of operation.
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It is important to note that with our wealth of experience, we render consultancy services to farmers and investors who wish to venture into agriculture. Some of our consultancy services include; Capacity development for your team on GAP (Good Agronomic Practices)
The hallmark of sound investing is diversification. Our low minimums allow you to diversify the real estate portion of your portfolio by investing across a range of deal types, helping you manage risk while retaining substantial upside potential. Gain exclusive access to private market commercial real estate investments.