CHACE VILLAGE is our modernised low end structure designed to transform our global neighbourhood ghetos around the world.

We created this to make sure everyone enjoys a good living by accessing a profound accommodation at an affordable prices.

Why don’t you joint us to make this dream come through by purchasing at least 1 squar metre at £100?

Unlike other real estate companies that will take your to grow their business and you earn a fewer percentage for a few years while they enjoy the investment  proceeds for lifetime, CHARIFE PROPERTIES is not greedy as they are.

We want you to enjoy the dividends of your investment with us as long as the property you invested in last, that’s why we allow you to hold the ownership and earn 20% interest  of  any number of squar metre that you may purchase in our properties for as long as the facility last.

Purchase 1 squar metre or more and earn 20% of your investment Annually for a lifetime.

Location: CHACE Island, Nigeria.


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